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Top 5 Gifts to Give Your Feet

The holiday season is officially here; Christmas is fast approaching, and what better way to celebrate the time for giving than the perfect guide to giving your feet some much needed extra attention? It’s no secret that the holiday season is full of running around and can be exhausting; even though we want to relax, something seems to always come up!

Once the smoke clears and the holiday rush calms down, celebrate some much needed personal time and give your feet the best gift possible. We are going to highlight the different things that you can treat your feet with and start off the new year with relaxed, rejuvenated, and healthy feet.

The Gift of Orthotic Shoes

One of the best gifts you can give or ask for is orthotic shoes. With innovative designs and absolute comfort, these shoes are perfect for people that have pre-existing foot conditions or not! Orthotic shoes provide support and comfort that will make you forget about your other shoes—wondering what the difference between orthotic shoes and over the counter insoles? Don’t miss out on this blog!

This holiday season, give the gift of excellent orthotics and end the cycle of uncomfortable and non-cushioned regular shoes. Orthotic shoes come in many types and styles such as:

Find the perfect ones for you, and ask your experienced specialists at Vittori to help you find the right option for you!

Treat Your Feet to a Footbath

While you wait for your new and improved orthopedic shoes to come in, take some time for yourself, sit back, and soak your feet in a tub of warm water. It can be like a day at the spa but in the comfort of your own home, and you don’t have to do too much preparation. All you need is a tub, essential oils, a relaxing area, and some music. Check out our other blog for a small guide to the perfect foot spa here and find out how putting marbles in the water will make all the difference here.

Give your Feet a Makeover

Avoid calluses on your feet and remove dead skin cells. This is ideal after you are done taking your much-needed footbath to keep your feet feeling healthy and rejuvenated. Especially during the cold Illinois winters, it will be the perfect opportunity to keep away dry feet and keep them smooth going into 2021!

Keep your Feet Smooth and Fresh

The best way to help your feet healthy and happy is by applying a nice moisturizer. Not only will they keep your feet smooth and healthy, but they will fight back against dried and cracked feet during the long cold months.

As an added bonus, every time you add the moisturizer, you will feel like you are at the spa getting a nice massage. So before Christmas, head down to your favorite store and treat yourself to new moisturizer!

The Gift That Makes You Feel Like You Are Walking On Clouds

What is one thing that is perfect for the mornings, keeps your feet from touching the cold ground, and is extremely comfortable? That’s right, soft and fuzzy slippers! Give yourself the present of comfortable and warm slippers for wearing around the house.

We guarantee that you will thank us after you slide into them after waking up or a long day on your feet wearing your daily shoes. Tell us in the comments what your favorite slippers are and how they brighten up your day every time you put them on!

Which Ones Would You Add To Your Christmas List?

All of these wonderful gifts mentioned above will be perfect for anyone with tired and aching feet. Choose the right one for you or tell your Christmas gift buddy which one they should get. Do you have a different item that does wonders for your feet? We want to know, and we are sure that other people do too! So, make sure to comment on what items you love.

Use this gift guide to provide your feet with some fabulous treats to enjoy during and after the holidays. If you are looking for the best foot and ankle advice, we have foot and care specialists with years of certified experience in training in all areas of podiatric therapy treatments.

Remember, your feet are going to be under a lot of stress this holiday season, and it is important to take care of them! So if you experience any issues or want to start the new year off right, then contact Vittori today and give your feet the gift of happy feet!

From everyone here at Vittori, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. We hope that you have a wonderful holiday with those you love most!

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