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The Perfect Balance: Wear stylish shoes, while comfortably keeping your feet & ankles healthy

Wear stylish shoes, while comfortably keeping your feet & ankles healthy

What is one thing that every perfect outfit needs? The perfect pair of shoes. On that not only goes along with your outfit but also ones that will dazzle all of the other people that get to see you strolling across the floor, and maybe even making a few of them jealous! But, when it comes to stylish shoes, often the importance of how the shoes look, take away from an extremely important factor, how they feel. Why put your feet and ankles at risk for future problems? Whoever said that looking good, couldn´t be comfortable as well?

The Importance Of The Right Fit

Just like Cinderella and the glass slipper, your shoe needs to be the perfect fit. Did you know that there are 33 joints, 26 bones, and over 100 ligaments in the foot? That means a lot of places where things can go wrong if you don´t care for the health of your feet. Those new shoes may look amazing and considered one of the most fashionable shoes of the year, but if you wear shoes that hurt your feet, it can potentially create long-lasting effects, and remember, you are gonna be using these all of your life, so be kind to them.

Footware: Fashion + Comfortability

How To  Prevent Foot & Ankle Injuries While Wearing Stylish Footwear

Now, there is absolutely no reason why a shoe can´t be both comfortable and fashionable, you just have to find the right one that supports your ankle and keeps your feet feeling amazing. Now there are many different types of fashionable shoe choices so here´s how to check for comfy yet chic shoes.

Pumps (closed-toe heels)


High Heels

Tricky ways on how to make shoes more comfortable

Break them in before going anywhere

If you are going to a dashing event in Illinois, don´t wait until the event to show off your glamorous footwear, this can lead to a series of feet problems such as cuts, blisters, and pain. The best way to break your shoes in is to wear them in a comfortable environment indoors like at your house, so your feet can get used to the show while being able to easily take a break when needed, unlike if you were to wear them for the first time at an event!

Pick the right shoes for the right occasion

Making sure you are comfortable all of the time is the most important thing, and even though certain occasions call for a specific type of outfit, you should analyze just exactly what the occasion is and how long you may possibly be, so they say, on your feet! For example, if you are going to a wedding where you will be walking from place to place, maybe even dancing a bit in the night, maybe a high heel isn´t the best choice for your foot and ankle health and more so a choice for a romantic Chicago dinner with that special someone!

A nice outfit for your feet…socks

If you choose to go with a fashionable shoe that doesn’t quite show off too much of your feet, we strongly suggest using socks, even if they only cover the very bottom. This can eliminate food odors, future blisters, athletes foot, etc.

Bring a Spare

Depending on the occasion, bringing a backup pair of shoes may be a smart idea! If you are going to be wearing your fancy shoes all day and a lot of walking is required, maybe save a more comfortable pair of shoes for the walking part and keep the chic and cute shoes for the parts where you will be more relaxed and not have to worry about moving around so much. This can reduce the possibilities of falling and or ankle twists. No matter how inconvenient two pairs of shoes may be, comfort always beats injury!

What To Do If You Have A Foot Or Ankle Injury in Homer Glen or New Lenox, IL

Maybe you chose the perfect shoe, gorgeous, supportive, and comfortable, and your favorite song comes on at a party, you go dancing, and all of a sudden it happens, a problem with your ankle or foot, and you are in or near Homer Glen or New Lenox, IL, what do you do?

Contact the specialists at Vittori Foot & Ankle where the primary goal is to deliver podiatric care to residents in Illinois, in a convenient and comfortable setting. Your feet and ankles are two of the most important parts of your body and you should only receive the best care for them. If you have any current or future problems concerning your feet, get the best podiatric care in Homer Glen and New Lenox, IL at Vittori Foot & Ankle.

Having the perfect shoes doesn´t have to mean giving up on comfortability and stability, picking a shoe that gives you both can and will prevent future foot and ankle problems, preventing you from having to go to the clinic, saving you money and time. So the next time you go to buy a pair of shoes for a special occasion, don´t forget about your comfort because there is nothing more important!

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