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The Difference Between Foot Corns & Calluses

What’s the Difference Between Foot Corns & Calluses?

Have you started to notice that there is a hard crust like area on the skin of your foot? Does it cause irritation and pain? Well, you may have corns or calluses on your foot. Neither of these two are harmful; they are just very annoying and can cause those discomfort while walking and completing daily tasks. These two, though they look similar, are different, and knowing just what exactly you have makes all of the difference when treating them. Below we will be discussing the difference between foot corns and calluses, how to treat them, and when you should a visit Vittori Foot & Ankle Specialists for medical assistance.

What is a Foot Callus?

A callus is a part of the skin on your foot that becomes toughened and thick due to friction, stress on the foot, and or irritation. Most commonly found on the foot, they can also appear on hands and elbows. Calluses are usually more significant and broader than corns, with less defined edges.

A Callus appears as yellow and or pale color; to the touch, they feel irregular, it can be painful to touch the area or walk when they start to form, but once a layer of skin crusts over, it becomes much less sensitive to touch. Calluses form when there is extensive pressure on the foot, the skin under the toes and heels are especially vulnerable to developing calluses. If you are someone who plays a lot of sports, works on their feet, or generally walks a lot every day, you are prone to developing calluses.

What is a Foot Corn?

A corn is made up of dead skin that forms on smooth areas on a surface of the skin that does not have any hair. They are usually found on the top, between, or the side of the toes. Corns are small and round in shape with a noticeable center that is hard or soft, depending on the corn that has developed.

Soft corns are white in color and have a rubber-like texture. They are found in moist areas on the foot; usually where a lot of sweat builds up, which is why they are commonly found between the toes. If you are someone who often exercises and or sweat a lot during the day, drying your toes often can help you prevent developing corns on the foot.

Signs and Symptoms of Foot Corns & Calluses

Those living with corns and calluses often describe the sensation as though they are walking on rocks. There is no need to be worried or stressed over corns and calluses when they develop, but if not treated, they can lead to infection and further problems down the road. Here are a few signs and symptoms that you have a corn or callus on your foot:

Like we said earlier, these two conditions are not something that you should be scared of, but if the area becomes inflamed and painful, do not hesitate to contact Vittori to get the relief that you need!

Corns and calluses can be treated with a variety of home remedies, but elderly people and those with diabetes, poor circulation, and nerve problems should talk to their Vittori foot specialist before any attempt at a home remedy is taken.

Foot Corn & Callus Removal at Vittori Foot & Ankle Clinic

If your corn or callus cause you to experience extreme discomfort, we will remove the callus using a scalpel to relieve pressure and pain. Do not attempt to remove a callus or corn at home; doing so could just make the pain worse, and your chance of infection is heightened. Contact Vittori Foot & Ankle Clinic to see your options when it comes to getting relief.

Home Remedies for Calluses and Corns

There are a variety of home remedies you can use to prevent and heal calluses and corns on your feet, doing so can save you a trip to the doctors and can help alleviate and ease the pain and discomfort.

Fitted Shoes

One of the main culprits of calluses and corns is the rubbing, irritation, and pressure your feet endure every day. Making sure you have a fitted shoe that is not too tight and not too loose can make all the difference for preventing calluses and corns on your feet.

Custom Orthotic & Shoe Pads

Often referred to as custom orthotics, these can make your feet more comfortable, absorb shock and stress if you are on your feet a lot, and make living with a callus or corn easier. Ask your doctor for the proper orthotics to use.

Soak Your Feet

Prepare a solution of warm and soapy water, dip your feet into them, and rest. You can do this while reading a book or watching a movie to pass the time. The water makes it easier to remove the thickened skin. After taking a bath, you can also rub the area with a washcloth or lightly with a nail file to thin the thickened skin.

Moisturize and then Moisturize Again

Keeping your feet moisturized with a foot cream helps tremendously in preventing and thinning out thickened skin. The more you moisturize, the better, in the morning before you put on your shoes, and in the evening before you go to bed. But, do not put on a sock or shoe right after moisturizing, wait for the area to become dry and then put them on.

Remember, calluses and corns are not usually harmful, but those living with diabetes and other conditions can be more susceptible to infections or cuts on their feet. If you have any kind of rare condition and develop corns or calluses, seek medical assistance right away.

Contact Vittori Foot & Ankle Specialists Today

We care about the well-being and comfort of our patients. Calluses and corns are painful and annoying, so it is important that you get the relief that you deserve right away with the best hands in Chicagoland. Contact us today for any inquiries, questions, or appointments regarding calluses and corns!

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